Below is an announcement from my research partner and the investigative intelligence behind this Payment Help Page effort, Cindy Overeem. She has spent countless hours putting this information together for all of you, as well as answering many personal emails, helping individuals take the next step in this journey. 

To be frank, none of this help would exist without her. So, I employ you to follow her instructions and requests if you have sent demand letters so that we can do everything we can to recover commissions for all of you. If you have yet to send a demand letter, please send them and return to this announcement to report back on your results.

We realize this is a lot to do and if you are just over it, believe me I get it. However, if in your heart it is just as important to get justice for everyone as well as recover your commissions, then please consider taking this step. 

“At this time, copies of emails do not need to be sent to Cindy, just dates Demand Letters were sent and whether or not there have been any responses.”


My name is Cindy Overeem and I am assisting Damo with the Payment Recovery and I am ready to move to the next step.  I will need the following information if you have sent your demand letters, whether you are in the United States or in another country:

  1. Date(s) Demand Letters were sent to David Beeson and Cliqly/CHM
  2. If any response, what that response was and when it was received, i.e., refusal of Demand Letter.
  3. If payment has been received either before or after response from Demand Letter
  4. If and when Federal Trade Commission and FBI complaints were filed.  If you have also filed with your state’s Attorney General, that information will be extremely helpful as well.

The next step that is being taken is to compile all this information to present to the Texas Secretary of State and the Texas Grand Jury, as well as the United States Federal Grand Jury. I will have more information sometime after the first of the year depending on the responses I get.  This information is vital to get action taken against Cliqly/CHM, David Beeson, Bobby Jones and all their other names they’ve used in the past.

Please feel free to reach out to me at It is my intent to do whatever possible to get this situation rectified in an efficient manner, but not at any kind of cost.


Cindy Overeem