Click on this button to send me an email and get on the list below. It is a link to an email with formatted content for you to provide the information I need to put you on the list. Please follow the format as indicated or I will not be able to add yo to the list. I also will not be able to answer or respond to back and forth questions via email as there is going to be a ton of work to be done with this list. However, I will answer respond to you if you feel I haven't put you on the list. Please allow a few days to a week to get you on the list as this information comes in. I will keep you updated in Tanqly and with continuing update videos.
****Only One Submission Per Email Address *****
I have been getting submissions with multiple accounts from one email address. I need to keep a paper trail for these submissions so only the email address from the account holder can submit a request for their personal account.
If you click on this button and you have a default email client assigned in your system, this will propagate the content of the email and all you have to do is add the data and send the email. If you don't have an email client assigned or for some reason the link is not working, use the cut and paste content link below.
Below the list, please find more information, example demand letters, and addresses to go after the commissions owed to you.
The list below has been compiled from members who have personally claimed the respective amounts herein through individual emails they sent to The Educated Affiliate and Wader Enterprises LLC. All information is being directly recorded from those emails in good faith. All reports of payment are being subtracted from the list as we are notified about payment.
Click the button below to get help with the process of demanding your commission. We have some examples of demand letters and give you the “Roadmap for Commission Recovery.” It was written by a member who is already set this process in motion and has many great insights and step by step instructions on how to move forward with your demand.
If you have any insights, success stories, or general advice for this page, please feel free to email me to discuss getting it added to this page. I see this as an evolving page to help as many folks as we can to get paid. Also, I intend on creating a success story page as we go forward so also please feel free to send those stories to me if you would like them published.